Why do you have to force your believes on other people. Follow whatever diet you want but how dare you force your believes on anyone who disagrees with you. I hate to live in your freedom less world you want. You people baned my favorite food(foie gras) from restaurants in Chicago because you disagree with it. Whats next milk, beef, fish, or veal?Why are you people agianst freedom and choice? Ban my favorite food in chicago?
I think you'll find it was society that banned fois gras.
Vegetarians are great, but i don't think they have the ability to ban stuff on thier own.
And coming into the vegetarian and vegan section to moan about how you want to eat dead fowl ...is'nt that forcing your views onto vegetarians ??
beef, fish and veal. Yep good idea, we'll work on those - thanks for the suggestion
"bel C" Are you sure that "unfit to eat" is the only criteria. Do you know how they get fois gras...Well it relies on excessive growth of the liver so they force feed fowl by inserting metal tubes down their troats and filling thier stomachs with corn.
Are you sure that should be allowed ??
Essentially, fois gras is a liver desease - hepatic lipidosis
try this for education:
I was unaware that the councils in Chicago has banned fois gras but now i know, i'll write them a letter supporting thier decision just to encourage then never to reverse it and to ban it from resturants - thanks for that too, do you have thier address for me ?
"your kind", "your forcing"....i give up, where is the logic. you make it seem like vegetarianism is one entity or something.
I'm a vegetarian living in the UK that didn't know Fois Gras was banned in Chicago. How on earth do you know i employ terrorist tactics and threats ??
If you are angry, go and lobby the (almost certainly meat-eating) council in Chicago.
Next you'll be saying we all support PETA or something equally wrong
EDIT: You gave up adding additional comments. Arrh, did you throw your toys out of the pram because no-one is agreeing with you ?
Oh for Gods sake. Freedom of choice is NOT an argument here. A peadophile would like the freedom to choose to abuse children. A serial killer would like the freedom to choose to murder people. Hell, I would like the freedom to go rob a bank. "Freedom" is NOT the point. America is full of laws which deny you freedom to do something that will cause harm to someone else. Unless you're an anarchist, I'm guessing you don't actually think people should deserve freedom to do anything they want. People shouldn't have the freedom to abuse animals.
Fois gras is the result of animal cruelty. Tasting good does not mean it should be allowed. Some people like the taste of humans, you know- does that make it OK to kill and eat one? And I wouldn't be surprised if you were one of those people who thinks it would be wrong to eat a kitten, but hey, fois gras is just fine isn't it?
You liking the taste of something doesn't make it OK, and you opposing the ban of cruel practises for the sake of your personal enjoyment just makes you incredibly selfish.
You are essentially saying "I like to eat the remains of animals which have been tortured their whole lives, how dare you tell me that's wrong?" Well, good luck getting any sympathy. You certainly won't find it here.Why are you people agianst freedom and choice? Ban my favorite food in chicago?
I don't think that it ever "boils" (no reference to cooking :-) down to what anyone believes. I think that money is always the money behind every law. Anything that they (our government ) can find and fine to generate money is usually the bottom line.
I think it will still be served still in restaurants, it will just be off the menu and very expensive.
I found out that our former favorite Chinese restaurant was serving CAT. Of course it wasn't on the menu. The restaurant was shut down for awhile and reopened. The restuarant had to pay very HUGE fines. Do you really think that the government cares about CATS or MONEY ? Do they take the money they make from the fines for the cats and donate them to a animal shelter ? No way .... think again.
If vegetarians/vegans were going to try to get something banned, they'd ban all meats and animal products. Foie gras was banned because it was deemed cruel to the fowl because you're basically shoving a tube down their throat and forcing them to eat much more than they normally would so their livers swell up.Why are you people agianst freedom and choice? Ban my favorite food in chicago?
It wasn't just vegetarians that were behind that ban. Lots of people who eat meat still think that the torture involved in foie gras is excessive. It is one thing to eat meat, it is another to be cruel and inhumane to an animal just for a little added "taste."
Why are you getting so het up about it now? It was banned over a year ago!
Anyway, it's a vile and horrible practice and there should be a global ban on it.
I am sorry but it isnt just vegans and vegetarians who support the ban of foie gras. I am a meat eater but i still buy free range eggs and hopefully meat that hasnt been horribly tortured or mutilated first. There is no excuse to support cruelty to animals. I know some people will think that i am cruel by eating animals but i hope we can leave that debate for another time.
"your kind"?? Wow, arent you narrow minded. I am a smoker who is no longer permitted to smoke in most public places, but even so, I realize there is a valid reason for it. If you want to stuff your face with diseased liver from horribly treated geese and ducks, knock yourself out, but dont be all high and mighty because an agency decided it was cruel, inhumane, and very bad for YOUR health, to eat something so vile. Birds raised for foi gras are force fed pounds of unnatural food a day in order to fatten and disease their livers to the point they cant even walk at slaughter. They have a gavage tube stuffed down their throat several times a day, and since their gag reflex has been removed, they cannot regurgitate the food, so the liver is forced to try to digest the gluey mass and becomes engorged and fatty. You state that it was banned because "you" disagree with it. Trust me-I had nothing to do with the ban on foi gras in Chicago, and even less to do with the nationwide smoking bans. Why not redirect your anger to the proper place, and quit blaming responsible vegetarians for what you percieve as a slight against you. As you mentioned, you can still get your beloved sick liver in restaurants. You wont see me smoking in the booth next to you, because the health departments DO enforce THAT rule. Quit your griping and find a REAL cause to support. Perhaps if you tried raising your own goose with the gavage method, you might realize why that particular issue needed to be addressed. If you havent the stomach to do it for yourself, why continue to eat the stuff just because its so readily available to you? Wring that poor, overly fattened, diseased gooses neck, butcher it, and cut its diseased liver from its carcass. As it melts into a joyous mass of delectible fat in your frying pan, ask yourself if your greedy tastebuds are really deserving of what that bird went through to satisfy your greed. From your narrow minded question, my guess is your answer is yes-that you DESERVE that lovely delicacy. I am thinking you are right-and the karma that comes with it.
You have tarred many people with a label, a stance and countless other things, many of these people don't even live in your country let alone your state.
I honestly doubt whether vegetarians and vegans make up a minority let alone a majority of the decision makers on new laws in your state.
Ignorant blanket phrases like "you people" make me sick. i wouldn't stand for it in person and i doubt you would say it person either.
one thing that you should understand is that the fanatics first victim is his own cause.
Carrying such a fanatical and ignorant attitude will instantly cause any one who reads what you have written to lose any credibility they may have had for you and your cause, let alone whether they support it or not.
if you actually have a leg to stand on perhaps you should calmly present some serious facts or at least keep it together long enough to ask a question without generalizing a large world wide chunk of the populace. moron.
Please don't blame us for this. Obviously it was the powers that be in Chicago who banned it. Why? You will have to drive across into Wisconsin then and bring it back across into Chicago. Just like the good old days, when the drinking age in Illinois was 21, and it was 18 in Wisconsin, and everyone I went to high school with used to drive into Wisconsin to get drunk.
Apparently there are a lot more people fighting aginst it than for it... This is a democracy.... don't like it, move.
Or you could open your own resturant and not listen to what anyone says...
But as for what you are saying... why is what you want more important than what others want... Being America... I dare say it's not... and what I'm understanding from what you say... neither do the resturants of Chicago...
Have a nice day...
HOORAY! Good for Chicago.
What a horrible, barbaric practice the fattening of goose liver is.
Hopefully veal WILL be next!
I have heard of this food, but never knew how it was made. I know you are upset, but just in case others read your post, here is why this has been banned-oh, by the way, I don麓t eat veal because I know how baby cows are treated just to make this meal.
French for "fatty liver," is made from the grotesquely enlarged livers of male ducks and geese. The birds are kept in tiny wire cages or packed into sheds. Pipes are repeatedly shoved down the birds' throats, and up to 4 pounds of grain and fat are pumped into their stomachs two or three times every day. The pipes puncture many birds' throats, sometimes causing the animals to bleed to death. This cruel procedure causes the birds' livers to become diseased and swell to up to 10 times their normal size. Many birds become too sick to stand up. The birds who survive the force-feeding are killed, and their livers are sold for foie gras.
Wow-this sounds like a meal I could really sink my teeth into!
I like that the Pope banned this in certain countries-force feeding goes against biblical principles. Enough said.
thats unfair!they can ban it only if its unfit to eat.
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